A senseless act of violence
We extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the individuals who were killed in the VTA Mass shooting on May 26, 2021. Labeled the worst Bay Area mass shooting in decades, many still struggle to understand why this happened. It was discovered that the perpetrator had a history of inflicting violence and abuse on an ex-partner. He had access to weapons and materials used to make bombs. He was angry and the killings were targeted at some individuals, while others were not harmed. This was a senseless act of violence and all our questions may never be fully answered.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) about 1 in 4 women and nearly 1 in 10 men have experienced physical violence, contact sexual violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner (IPV) during their lifetime and reported some form of IPV-related impact. About 11 million women and 5 million men who reported experiencing physical violence, contact sexual violence or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime said that they first experienced these forms of violence before the age of 18.
It feels as if we have hardly reacted to one horrific incidence of violence before another one has happened. What can be done?
At Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence, we believe that peace in a community begins with peace in the home. For 50 years we have served thousands of families who have been impacted by domestic violence achieve safety, support, and self-sufficiency. We believe that we must support both the survivors and their children as well as the person who harms in order to eradicate violence in the home. As a community, we can demand better laws, enforcement of those laws, and create a community norm that makes violence unacceptable.
If you are experiencing abuse and violence and need help, you can call us on our Hotline 24/7 at (408) 279-2962. We have a wide array of services designed to help you and your family. If you are a person who has a problem harming others, call and ask about our “Families for Peace” program at (408) 501-7550. If you are an employer and want training and support for your employees, you can arrange a presentation.
Everyone can play a role in ending violence in our community. We ask you to join us as we work to fulfill our mission of ending domestic violence in the moment and for all time.