Next Door Solutions (NDS) is the only stand-alone domestic violence agency in Santa Clara County, and the largest provider of these services.
Since 1971, NDS has helped thousands of survivors and families move out of crisis and violence and into safety, stability and self-sufficiency.
Our hotline is open 24 hour a day, 7 days a week.
We provide services or benefits to all persons, including persons of the following protected categories: race, sex, color, age, religion, actual or perceived gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, ethnic or national origin, or familial status.
Be Safe
The big
button is a fast escape that changes your screen and opens two new windows. Use it if you need a fast close!
If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
When you are online searching for help, making plans regarding the relationship and your safety, or sending email/messages that you do not want someone to know about – here’s ways to stay safer:
When you’re done browsing, CLEAR your browsing history.
This setting is in “history” or “settings” depending on your browser or phone.

Open a Private or Incognito Browser window
In Chrome:
Ctrl+ Shift +N
(or go to the upper right corner, click on the three dots and select Incognito Tab then ‘New Incognito Window”)
In Microsoft Edge: Click on the three dots/lines upper far right…select New Private Window
Apple / Safari: Command+Shift+N
Mozilla Firefox: Click on the three dots/lines upper far right…select new inPrivate window
Remember to clear any browing history from the time before you started browsing privately
Use a safe computer !
Go to a public library, school or university, community center, or friend’s house.
Get your own mobile phone — ‘burner phones’ with prepaid minutes are available at office supply stores, pharmacies, electronics or phone stores.