Next Door Solutions’ Executive Director Farewell Note

It has been my honor to serve as the Executive Director of Next Door Solutions since 2017. The last five years leading this organization have been some of the most gratifying and fulfilling experiences of my professional career. I have been privileged to work alongside outstanding staff, Board members and volunteers who are all dedicated to the same shared goal: ending domestic violence in the moment and for all time.

The last two years have truly been some of the most difficult in the history of the agency but through it all, our doors never shut and this team never gave up! They found new ways to reach survivors and we continued serving families as they sought solutions to end the violence and abuse happening in their lives in the midst of the severe hardships resulting from the COVID pandemic. There is nothing more important that I could have been doing and I will look back on this time as one of the highlights of my career.

From a very young age, my mother impressed upon me and my siblings that working in service of others and the pursuit of peace and justice in our world should be lifelong endeavors. Along those lines, I have been offered an opportunity that will allow me to expand my commitment to public service in new ways. I am excited to share that I will be joining the Office of Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, District 19, as District Chief of Staff. As she is one of the most recognized and respected members of Congress, I was deeply moved and honored when she shared “you are joining our team at a time when the needs of families are at an all-time high, the economy is in recovery and the challenges to our community abound. I need you to bring that same passion, fervor, and spirit of service to lead the office as we work for the people of District 19.”

As one in a long line of leaders for Next Door Solutions, including our founder Bea Robinson Mendez, we have given the best of ourselves and stood with survivors. We challenged injustice, even when doing so invited criticism and backlash and we have never wavered from that commitment. I have no doubt Next Door Solutions will continue to grow and carry on the important work of helping those in need survive and overcome domestic violence.

I wish the agency and its board much success as they seek the next leader of this great organization and I know that they, too, will find deep satisfaction in the important work that lies ahead.

With gratitude,

Esther Peralez-Dieckmann signature
Esther Peralez-Dieckmann